Increased prices

Dear Customers:   I established my pricing schedule in 2013 with two goals.  First was to encourge membership in blacksmith associations to promote quality training, and the second was to meet demand for high quality metalurgical coal and forge coke.  These prices have not increased until now.  I have actually not taken a paycheck, only put money back into inventory and equipment.  I have not hired employees, done all the humping myself, sometimes with my son’s unpaid help.  I am 72 and need to hire some help to move that heavy stuff about.  Hence the price increases.

Also, I am a big environmentalist concerned about my grandkid’s future, carbon dioxide levels, sea level rise and ocean acidification are the greatest threats to our survival.  My family owns 85 acres of forest land under forest management.  I have decided to do my own “carbon tax” on myself.  For every bag of coal sold we will plant a forest tree.  I am hoping we can sequester enough carbon to off set the burning of coal in our projects.  Even with the price increase, I belive Mountain Brook Forge is still below the pricing of the mail order suppliers.  This is an evolving thing.  I will give it a while at this level and see what happens…changes may occur.

Yours Sincerely, Jim von Mosch

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